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Stepfamilies Do Matter!!

As I sit here safe in my house during COVID-19, I wonder how all the stepfamilies are doing.

It is not easy for any family to be in a house all together for this long. However, stepfamilies have some different issues than most families, and they can be complicated.

So how are you doing? I think this is a good time to send out some positive thoughts, and encouragement to stepfamilies.

I wrote my book “Stepping up to a Happy Stepfamily” a few years ago, but I have so much to remind you of…. And so much more to talk to you about.

I have been in a stepfamily for 28 years. We have five children together. I am the mother of two children and a stepmother to three children. Our children are adults in their 30s now, and that has given me yet another perspective on this type of family.

I am definitely not new to most stepfamily issues.

Over these years I have struggled with many of the same situations you might deal with now. Also, I have heard many different situations in my years of counseling stepfamilies.

But let me share with you something that has always really bugged me. Much of what has been written about stepfamilies is often negative. It is easy to focus on that negativity but honestly it doesn’t reflect the many positives that can be found in a stepfamily. There are challenges for sure, but don’t forget there are difficulties in all types of families. However, these stepfamily issues can be met with thoughtfulness, practice and above all love.

Unquestionably the rewards far outweigh the effort required.

Here are just a few stepfamily positives:

. This is an opportunity for the parents to make a home with a partner who loves him.

. Children will get the opportunity to see what a healthy relationship looks like.

. Children will have more people in their lives to love and support them.

. Everyone learns to be more flexible, understanding, and accept each other’s differences.

. Family members will learn negotiation and communication skills.

. Family members will learn to have more acceptance and tolerance for other cultures and religions.

I intend my blog to be helpful and cover a variety of subjects. Some examples might be as follows:

  • Adjusting your expectations will help.

  • Being patient and giving your family time to settle in.

  • Dealing with family conflicts.

  • Parenting together – working as a team.

  • How to enjoy busy adult children.

  • Understanding that love comes in many forms.

  • Children and how attachment affects everything.

  • Why money issues are important.

  • …… And much more.

Hopefully, we can enjoy this process together and you can build insight and confidence when dealing with your stepfamily.

Although I am retired from counseling after 18 years of helping stepfamilies, I still want to help where I can. ... And anyway, I miss all of you!

Thank you for joining me.

So let’s get started on a positive journey to a Happy Stepfamily!



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